Our Services

Assist-Personal Activities

Under this support service, we assist and/or supervise eligible participants and help them perform their personal activities comfortably. Our support workers are experienced with working in a range of environments, be it a community setting or in the comfort of your home. You can count on us for assistance and/or supervision with personal activities including but not limited to household tasks like laundry, cooking, and cleaning, personal hygiene activities like toileting, showering, dressing and grooming, providing medical care, helping with using technology-aided equipment, etc.

Assist-Life Stage, Transition

We are always here to help you transition through life stages that are most important to you. Our experienced team of support workers would make sure that you are listened to, and assisted with building capacities to cope with the major changes in life. We assist you with everything included but not limited to making accommodation and tenancy obligations, coordinating NDIS supports, starting school or a new job, budgeting and financial planning, or engaging in skill development programs. An individual comes across various stages in life, and it is essential to put the best foot forward for a contented life. At Will Care, this is what we strive for.


Travelling is an essential part of community participation and independent lifestyle. At Will Care, we provide assistance with traveling, to make sure you reach your destination in a safe and comfortable manner. This support service includes providing rental of adapted vehicles so that you can travel independently whilst being safe.

Feel free to get in touch with our team and we shall be happy to help you.

Innovative Community Participation

We acknowledge the importance of community participation, and encourage the participants to wear their creative hat and give it a go. The team at Will Care is here to help participants live in an autonomous manner. We assist you through and through in actively participating in the community, be it providing public transport training, building capacities for self-growth, pursuing your passion, or building a new business. Our team of support workers work closely with you to help you meet your NDIS goals.

Development-Life Skills

Life skills are essential to have the ability to lead an independent life, in the safest manner. At Will Care, we will walk the extra mile to inculcate daily living and life skills in you, to help you take one step further towards achieving your developmental goals. Our focus lies on providing you and your carer with insightful training sessions that allow you to not only make the most of your NDIS supports but also make you capable of living life on your own terms.

Household Tasks

Household tasks can be stressful, but we have you covered with everything. We offer assistance with all general and complex household tasks like, meal preparation and delivery, kitchen and bathroom cleaning, gardening, linen & laundry, dusting, etc.

The aim to provide this support service is to help you manage your household independently, and most importantly to help you have more time for things that matter. The team at Will Care is known for providing the best care.

Participate Community/ Respite Care

Engaging in a community develops a sense of belonging, and skills that grow you on a personal and professional level. We assist participants to be a part of community activities like events, social gatherings or recreational activities. We lay emphasis on building capacities to make sure that participants are able to take part in the community activities, and assist them while they do the same. Will Care strives to provide efficient support services and does not hesitate to walk the extra mile.

Group/Centre Activities

Participating in group-based activities develops strong communication skills, levels up the confidence and strongly encourages independent living. We assist participants to partake in group/centre activities whilst maintaining a safe environment so that they are able to develop the skills that help them achieve their developmental goals as per their NDIS plan. Our support workers are here to assist you whenever you would need assistance, so do not hesitate to reach out to us and share your requirements.

Ativador Office 2010

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